Power Up With A Bentley Powerflush
Save money on fuel bills and avoid damage to your heating system
Is your boiler making more noise than usual? Got some cold spots on your radiators? It could mean you are wasting up to 30% of your heating fuel then. But don’t worry – a powerflush by the Bentley Group will put it right.
Powerflushing gets all those problems sorted and helps you avoid some potentially hefty repair and call-out costs. It saves your system from clogging up or failing, and it will save you fuel wastage and money on your heating bills in the long run.
Symptoms to look out for
A build up of limescale and corrosion debris could mean your central heating system is less efficient or effective than it should be. Symptoms include:
- Up to 30% of your system’s fuel being wasted
- Boiler noise
- Cold spots on your radiator
- Frequent venting – when the top of a radiator is cold during operation, usually air or hydrogen is to blame. Hydrogen gas can build up as a by-product of electrolytic corrosion and is flammable (due caution required).
- Pump seizure and failure – the abrasive and magnetic properties of black oxide sludge increases shaft and bearing wear in pumps causing them to stick or fail.
Powerflushing is the most efficient and effective way to clean a central heating system, to avoid the above issues. The principle is to create a powerful fresh water flow under controlled conditions to remove debris from the system.

Powerflushing will:
Improve radiator performance and heat output
Extend the life of the boiler
Avoid costly repairs, breakdowns & call-out charges
Validate your boiler warranty
Reduce fuel bills and save money
The video we have posted here below shows just how bad a system can get and how clean it is after a power flush.

On the job: Power flush video by Bentley Group
Why Bentley Group?
For powerflushing, Suffolk-based Bentley Group only uses top quality Fernox chemicals which are bio degradable and environmentally friendly. Plus, quality of work and customer service is our number one thing (We’re the number one rated plumber on Myboilerservice for the 3rd year running – yeah!), which is why we have just invested in the latest powerflush machine.
Remember the Beast from the East? Well as fabulous as the summer has been here in East Anglia, winter is once again just around the corner and you’ll be banking on your heating and hot water system even more once again. The last thing you want is a clogged up system leading to pump failure and subsequent breakdown of your oil boiler and heating system. And why waste money by losing 30% of your heating system’s fuel when you don’t need to? Bentley Group can ensure you don’t!
So if you live in Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, or Cambridgeshire, Bentley Group can help. We can assess whether or not you need a powerflush and if you do then we will get it done for you promptly.
Call us on 07929 333356 today to get your system working to maximum capacity and cost efficiently again.
Find out more about the services we provide by clicking here.
Powerflushing Facts
Bentley Group only uses Fernox water treatment solutions when it comes to powerflushing. Click the button below to find out more about Fernox and why powerflushing is so important to keep your hot water and heating system in tip-top shape and to avoid your boiler using more fuel than necessary or breaking down completely.Avoid Costly Repairs, Breakdowns or Call-Outs: Book A Powerflush With Bentley Group Today

Contact Us
Epsilon House, MasterLord Office Village, Ransoms Ind Est, Ipswich, IP3 9FJ
07929 333356